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I have a funny story to share with you about how to \"politely\" send relatives away during the Chinese New Year. The other day, I saw two cars parked in front of my neighbor\'s house. A group of elderly people and children got out of the car, carrying lots of gifts. It was obvious that they were there to pay a New Year visit. However, after half an hour...

You can imagine the chaos that ensues when relatives come to visit during the Chinese New Year. It\'s a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be quite overwhelming. If you find yourself in a similar situation and want to \"politely\" send your relatives away, here are a few suggestions:

  • First, offer them some tea or snacks. This will give you a chance to engage in some small talk and show your hospitality. While they are enjoying their tea and snacks, you can gently remind them...
  • If that doesn\'t work, you can mention that you have some urgent matters to attend to. Apologize for not being able to spend more time with them and explain that you really need to...
  • Alternatively, you can subtly hint that you have other relatives coming over and that you need to prepare for their arrival. Say something like, \"Oh, it\'s so nice to see you, but we have another family gathering later...\"

Remember, the key is to be polite and respectful while still being able to gracefully send your relatives away. It\'s all about finding the right balance and managing expectations.


When it comes to Chinese New Year, one of the most common gifts to bring when visiting relatives is alcohol. But with increasing awareness of the health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption, it\'s important to consider alternative gift options.

Instead of giving traditional alcohol gifts, why not consider the following recommendations:

  • High-quality tea: Tea is a symbol of Chinese culture and is highly regarded for its health benefits. Consider giving a selection of premium teas, such as Longjing tea or Tieguanyin tea.
  • Health supplements: Show your concern for your relatives\' well-being by giving them health supplements such as vitamins or herbal supplements. These gifts demonstrate that you care about their health and want them to...
  • Fruit baskets: A beautifully arranged fruit basket can be a great gift that is both healthy and visually appealing. Choose a variety of fresh fruits, such as apples, oranges, and grapes, to represent...

By choosing alternative gifts, you can still show your respect and appreciation to your relatives while promoting a healthier lifestyle.


In rural areas of China, there is a common custom that if a family member passed away in the previous year, their immediate family members should not visit other relatives during the Chinese New Year. This tradition is deeply rooted in Chinese beliefs and serves as a way to...

The reason behind this custom is to show respect and honor the deceased family member. It is believed that if the immediate family members visit other relatives, it may bring bad luck and disrespect to the deceased\'s spirits. Therefore, to avoid any negative consequences, it is customary for the family to stay at home and...

While it may seem inconvenient for the immediate family members who are unable to visit their relatives during the Chinese New Year, it\'s important to remember that this custom is a way to pay tribute to their loved ones and observe traditional beliefs. It\'s a way to remind ourselves of the importance of family and...


When it comes to greeting an elderly grandfather during the Chinese New Year, it\'s important to keep the message simple and sincere. Here are a few greetings you can use:

If you want to keep it casual and light-hearted, you can say something like:

  • \"Grandpa, Happy New Year! I wish you good health and happiness!\"
  • \"Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year, Grandpa! May all your dreams come true!\"

If you want to engage in a more personal conversation, you can consider the following:

  • \"Grandpa, how have you been? I hope the weather hasn\'t been too chilly. Take good care of yourself and enjoy the festivities!\"
  • \"I remember when I was younger, you used to tell me stories about your experiences during the Chinese New Year. Those memories always make me smile. I\'m so grateful for your guidance and love. Wishing you...

Remember, the most important thing is to express your love and respect for your grandfather. Use these greetings as a starting point, but feel free to add your personal touch and make the message heartfelt and genuine.


When it comes to visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, it\'s a common tradition to go from house to house to pay respects and exchange blessings. However, the etiquette of giving money as a gift can vary depending on various factors.

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  • Duration of your visit: If you are only able to visit for a short period of time, it is customary to give a smaller amount of money as a token of your blessings. However, if you are able to...
  • Distance and relationship: If your relatives live far away or if they are elderly, it is customary to give a larger amount of money as a sign of respect and appreciation. Similarly, for close relatives...
  • Local customs: Different regions in China may have their own traditions and expectations when it comes to the amount of money to give during the Chinese New Year. It\'s a good idea to ask...

While there are general guidelines, it\'s important to remember that the amount of money is not the most important aspect of the visit. It\'s the act of showing respect, love, and...


When it comes to visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, the art of gift-giving is an important tradition. To ensure that your gifts are thoughtful and appropriate, here are some etiquettes and recommendations:

For your most respected elders:

  • For female elders, you can consider giving them candies or fruit baskets. These gifts are seen as auspicious and represent sweetness and abundance.
  • For male elders, alcohol or tobacco can be a good choice. However, make sure to choose high-quality products that show your respect and appreciation for their wisdom and...

For close relatives and friends:

  • Consider their interests and preferences. If they are passionate about a certain hobby or have a particular interest, you can choose a gift that aligns with their interests. This shows that you have put thought and effort into selecting a meaningful gift.
  • You can also consider practical gifts that can be used in daily life. For example, a stylish and useful kitchen tool or a set of high-quality utensils can be a great choice.

Remember, the most important aspect of gift-giving during the Chinese New Year is the intention behind the gift. Choose gifts that convey your blessings, respect, and love for your relatives, and...


When it comes to visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, choosing the right gift can be challenging. Here are some suggestions to help you make a good impression:

1. Universal Gifts:

  • A box of high-quality tea: Tea is a popular gift choice during the Chinese New Year as it symbolizes warmth, harmony, and good health. Choose a variety of teas, such as green tea or oolong tea,...
  • A beautifully arranged fruit basket: Fruits are a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Choose a variety of fresh and seasonal fruits to create an attractive fruit basket.

2. Personalized Gifts:

  • If you know your relatives\' interests and preferences, you can consider giving them a gift that is tailored to their taste. For example, if your relative is a book lover, you can give them...
  • You can also consider giving practical gifts that can be used in daily life. For example, a stylish kitchen gadget or a set of high-quality kitchen utensils can be a great choice for relatives who...

Remember, the most important aspect of gift-giving is the thought and effort you put into choosing a gift. Consider your relatives\' preferences and interests, and choose a gift that conveys your blessings and...


When it comes to greeting elderly people during the Chinese New Year, there is a traditional custom of \"kowtowing\" or \"bowing\" as a sign of respect and gratitude. While this custom is not as prevalent nowadays, there are still some families and communities that continue to practice it.

If you belong to a community or family that practices kowtowing, it\'s important to understand the significance and proper way of performing the ritual. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Wear appropriate attire: Dress respectfully when visiting elderly people. Traditional Chinese clothing, such as a cheongsam or a suit, is a good choice.
  • Prepare red envelopes: Prepare red envelopes with money or small gifts inside. These red envelopes are given to the elderly as a symbol of good luck and blessings.
  • Perform the kowtow ritual: When you arrive at the elderly person\'s home, follow the lead of the host or the eldest person in the room. Bowing or kowtowing is done by kneeling down and...

While kowtowing is seen as a way to show respect and gratitude, it\'s important to note that it\'s not a requirement for everyone. It\'s a personal choice based on cultural and family traditions.


When it comes to wishing your grandparents a happy new year, there are several idioms and expressions that can convey your blessings and good wishes. Here are a few idioms you can use:</p