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We are a family of cleaning in February 20th. The first day of the new year we went to visit some relatives and exchanged red envelopes. We had a big feast with delicious food and watched the Spring Festival Gala. On the second day, we played traditional games like Mahjong and visited the temple to pray for blessings. Finally, on the fifth day, we set off fireworks to celebrate the Lantern Festival.




Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar’s new year. In the evening before the Spring Festival, families get together and have a big feast, known as the Reunion Dinner. It is a time for family members to reunite, share the joy, and strengthen the bond. The most unforgettable thing during the Spring Festival is the red envelopes. Adults would give red envelopes containing money to children as a symbol of good wishes and blessings for the new year. It is always exciting to receive these red envelopes as a child.


谢邀请:我们地方是多民族文化的富川瑶族自治县,古叫冯乘县分湖南省瑶都江华和富川瑶县,现有古苍梧郡梧州白话从贺江上游富江富川梧州白话人及高山源、西南桂林源并称西南山脉(合唱东西全长约 1,200 公里,以贵港市兖州鹏黎渔场山脉为界),地域辽阔,居住的人不分党派,仍自主畅通无阻停顿于我县,不间断交谈。中国人传统过春节主要是进行拜年、拜神、祭祀、赛龙舟和燃放烟火等。而在我们富川瑶族自治县,春节的庆祝活动更加丰富多样。我们会举行瑶族歌舞表演,舞龙舞狮,放鞭炮,并且有特色的民俗游行等。这些庆祝活动吸引了很多游客前来观赏,也展示了我们独特的瑶族文化和传统。


My spring festival This year I have a happy spring festival with my family. On New Year\'s Eve, all family members gather together and have a delicious dinner. We set off fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year. We also visit our relatives, exchange blessings and gifts, and enjoy various traditional cultural activities like lion dance and dragon dance. We play games, eat traditional Chinese snacks, and have a lot of fun during the holiday. The atmosphere is filled with joy and excitement.




May you are healthy and athletic and powerful and active and smart, just like a real wild tiger. Does it remind you of anything? Yes, it\'s the Chinese New Year! Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in China. It usually falls in late January or early February. During this time, families gather together for a big reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve. They have a feast with a variety of delicious dishes. People also give each other lucky money in red envelopes to send good wishes for the new year. The festival lasts for 15 days, filled with various celebrations and customs such as lion dances and dragon dances.


共欢新故岁,迎送一宵中。宋朝时春节鸣爆竹,挂桃符(后演变成对联)也已成为春节的传统。这在王安石的《元日》一诗中也可得到印证:爆竹声中一岁除,东风送... 其最早的历史记载可以追溯到宋朝时期。当时的春节庆祝活动包括放鞭炮和挂桃符,这些传统仍然延续到了现代。而在古代,春节还有更多的祭祀和祈福仪式,以求得一年的顺利和吉祥。随着时间的推移,春节的形式和庆祝活动逐渐演变,但它始终是中国人民的重要节日,代表着新的开始和希望。


去年老妈,腊月初九去世,题主说怎么过,哪也得过呀,老妈九十五岁去世,也算是喜葬吧,把老妈事办完后,我们还有一大家子等着呢,年该过还是要过的,只是我怎么... 应该尽量保持积极的心态,以正面的精神面对这个困难。虽然家中有人离世,但是过年是一个重要的传统节日,我们仍然要团结在一起,共同度过这个特殊的时刻。可以举办一个简单而温馨的追思仪式,以纪念逝去的亲人。此外,可以和家人们共同制定一些新的计划和目标,为来年的生活注入希望和动力。用这种方式,我们可以保持对生活的热爱和乐观,并且让逝去的亲人在心中永远存在。

